Latest News

Farmers Insurance changes require your action now

If you have a current home or auto insurance policy through UC with Farmers GroupSelect and want to ensure new coverage upon expiration of that policy, you must contact Farmers now at: 855-246-0285.

Spin E-Bikes and E-Scooters Launching Sept. 1

The city of Davis, in partnership with UC Davis, is launching a new, shared e-bike and e-scooter program this fall. Spin, headquartered in San Francisco and a leader in shared micromobility, was selected by the city and campus through a competitive bid process.

Aggie Enterprise Project Timeline Extension

On Nov. 8, Vice Chancellor Clare Shinnerl, Assistant Vice Chancellor Matt Okamoto and Assistant Vice Chancellor Radhika Prabhu sent a message to Aggie Enterprise stakeholders about the decision to extend the project timeline, moving the go-live date from July 1, 2023, to Jan. 1, 2024

University Credit Union partnership funds programs uplifting students

Two programs providing material assistance to students will be able to help more people thanks to funding from the partnership with University Credit Union.

One tenet of the Preferred Partnership Program, or UP3, is ensuring partnerships tangibly and directly benefit and uplift the campus community. To this end, the agreement with University Credit Union made in 2021 included $17,500 in annual funding for undergraduate student initiatives.