Funds to buy-down tuition and fees for Graduate Student Researchers.
In 2006, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Hinshaw issued a directive allocating funds to "...partially buy down fees and tuition for Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) supported on extramural sources (referred to as GSR buy-down program). Under this program, the campus pays 25% of the required fees and tuition for a GSR paid with extramural funds and the balance is charged to the extramural contract or grant. This program recognizes the burden associated with the cost of supporting graduate students from research funds and responds to faculty concerns on this matter."
Also, see the Graduate Stipend Request with Departmental Funds.
- Do I have to do anything to ensure the buy-down credit is posted to my grant?
- The implementation plan does not require any action by department or graduate group staff and ensures the financial benefit of the program will be visible to KFS end-users via existing reports.
- How does the buy-down work?
- Account Lookup (11) in FIS Decision Support will help you determine if you have accounts that are included in the program. Your ledgers will reflect the following:
> The transactions will appear as document type GLJV.
> The document number will be GSREXFYFP where FY is the last two digits of the fiscal year and FP is the fiscal period being processed.
> The description will be “MMM Fee Tuition Rebate” where MMM is the fiscal period month. The 25% rebate will be recorded as follows:
>> moved from object 8590 to 859R
>> moved from object 8570 to 857R
>> moved from object 8970 to 897R - Which sub-fund groups are included in the buy-down?
- The automated program will adjust the expense for Graduate Student Researchers paid under the following sub-fund group types:
> C - Federal Contracts
> F - Federal Grants
> J - Private Contracts
> L - Local Government
> N - State Government Federal Flow Through (FFT)
> P- Private Grants
> S - State Government
> V - Local Government FFT
> W- Private Grants FFT
> X - Private Contracts FFT - Are training grants included in the buy-down?
- To be eligible for the buy-down, the student must be hired under a GSR title code. Training grants are not included in this program because the campus already provides supplemental matching commitments for these particular grants.
- Will I be able to see the amount saved to my grant?
- Yes, the ledger will reflect the total amount saved to the grant.
- When did this program begin?
- The first journal entries appeared on the October 2006 month-end ledger.
- What should I do if I need to make a correction to object code 859R, 857R or 897R?
- Contact Steven Albrecht in Graduate Studies ( for assistance.
- Who should I call if I have additional questions?
- If you have FIS-related questions, please contact the the Help Desk.